So we have all played Halo or at least know what it is. For us diehard fans Chief will always have a place in our hearts, no matter what happens. I unfortunately, have a hate love relationship with Halo like I'm sure a lot of you do. I have played every Halo that has come out and spent countless hours playing the campaigns with our other writer Justin. The campaigns get you so involved that by the time its over you can not wait for the new one to come out, unless you play multiplayer arena.
I am talking about Slayer specifically. You're doing great racking up kills having solid games on and on win streak and then BAM! Your team drops, and you play Master Chief himself. This is where the frustration comes in, you put every round and grenade you have into the enemy his shield is down but somehow he looks at you the wrong way and you die. Then you think maybe you just suck at the game but then it happens again and you went from the top to the bottom of the scoreboard. I would say it was just that one game but it happens every time we play and I can hear my team screaming in their mics. Yet, I always come back to play Halo no matter how mad I get because no matter how many bad moments you have there will always be 100 more moments that you'll enjoy and have a great time talking about. I love Halo, I always will and I can not wait for the new one.

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