April 2014

                             Braum, The Heart of the Freljord
Welcome to League of Legends news! We will start with the announce of Braum, a new support/tank champion. Bot lane sorely needed a change up, we always see Leona, Thresh or Morgana as bot lane supports. Though there is nothing wrong with these champions,and they are actually quite good, it just makes for uninteresting bot lane combinations and boring strategies.

Lets hope that with the release of a new support, we will see some new energy in bot lane. I hope this new support is well balanced but is also a strong pick so that he doesn't end up being a rarely used support like Zilean, Lulu and Janna. 

Braum's abilities. 

Passive: Concussive Blows
Braum’s basic attacks apply Concussive Blows. Once the first stack is applied, all basic attacks from Braum and his allies apply further stacks. Targets that sustain four stacks are stunned and suffer bonus magic damage. After being stunned, Braum cannot apply Concussive Blows to his target again for a moderate duration.

Q: Winter's Bite
Braum propels freezing ice from his shield in a straight line skillshot, dealing magic damage (based on Braum’s max health), slowing and applying a stack of Concussive Blows to the first target hit.

W: Stand By Me
Braum leaps to the aid of a nearby ally, positioning himself between his target and their nearest enemy champion, and granting both Braum and his target bonus armor and magic resist based on his total armor and magic resist.

E: Unbreakable 
Braum raises his shield in a target direction, negating the damage from the first attack from the shield’s direction and reducing the damage of all subsequent attacks as long as the shield is raised. Braum intercepts projectiles with Unbreakable, causing them to hit him and then be destroyed. He also gains a minor speed boost until he lowers his shield.

R: Glacial Fissure 
Braum slams his shield into the ground, sending out a huge long-range skillshot that knocks up and damages all enemies caught before leaving behind a strong slow field.

Riot's About/Insights on Braum
As with all champions, we designed Braum to fill a specific gap in the League of Legends champion pool. Specifically, he’s the first true tank support that we've created, a champion who takes the hits for their team. We’ve had plenty of defensive supports – champions like Nami, Soraka, Janna etc – who negate damage through heals or shields, along with fighter supports like Leona and Alistar, who are generally great at initiating teamfights before diving deep into the enemy team and disrupting as much as possible. Braum’s something different: he’s a tanky support who literally takes the hits for his team, and as such requires a new mindset, position and playstyle to most conventional supports.
 The key to Braum’s unique playstyle is Unbreakable, his E. It’s an active defense, similar to Yasuo’s Wind Wall, but while Yasuo’s ability was created so that he’d have the means to protect himself (the team utility is considered a secondary bonus), we specifically designed Unbreakable so that Braum could protect his team. It makes Braum different because he – more than any other champion - creates zones of safety behind him. He defends throughout the game, first by protecting his marksman during laning, then by protecting his entire team and tanking during late game. While other supports focus on buffing, heals or disruption, Braum fills a unique role between the two teams, taking the brunt of the damage for his team and letting his damage dealers do their thing.

 This positions him literally between the two teams, and gave us some interesting design questions to answer. Specifically, how else does a defensive melee support contribute in fights when he has limited damage and can only land basic attacks on the enemy’s beefy frontline? This is where we brought in his passive, Concussive Blows, and Q, Winter’s Bite. Braum can harass while protecting, not necessarily through his own strength, but by applying Concussive Blows to enemy targets. This greatly amplifies his team’s power while keeping Braum’s positioning consistent throughout teamfights. And while Braum can’t easily harass the enemy backline (Winter’s Bite only affects the first enemy it strikes, and Braum’s basic attacks are melee), when his allies get jumped by enemy fighters and tanks, he can quickly reposition with Stand Behind Me before peeling multiple targets with Concussive Blows. We’re excited to see what you guys make of Braum. If you’re interested in testing him before his live release, get into the PBE and give him a whirl. We’d love to get your feedback!

Well that's what Riot had to say about their latest champion, lets just hope its not another rushed un-blanced champion release, and that we get some diversity bot lane. Well that's all, good luck league players!

Netflix was talking a big game and standing their ground and then they completely reversed what they were saying with their actions. Will their inconsistencies cause a break in the net neutrality progress or allow more progress towards an open internet?

Just a few months back the CEO of Netflix really laid in to Comcast and Verizon about the idea of net neutrality. The Verge sums in it up beautifully in this article. He was making a stand on something that will affect all the people and companies on the internet. He was helping aide in making an open internet but he quickly changed suit. Netflix was saying that ISP or internet service providers should not be charging to open bandwidth and access to specific services and sites. The internet is a utility that everyone should have access to and Netflix was helping enforce that idea. With such a solid stance what would make Netflix change their mind?

Recently, Netflix signed a deal with both Verizon and Comcast that stated that their service would not get their speed throttled when users access the service on those ISPs. They did exactly the opposite of what they said and stood for in the article from The Verge. Netflix changed their tone and for what reason? With the recent article from Engadget we find that Netflix's speeds have improved drastically since the deal. Netflix has decided that faster speeds are better than standing for what they formally said was right and that is an open internet. They have made it harder for other companies to not only compete but also try to stay with the open internet model. With Netflix's deal they are paving the way for there to be no net neutrality and companies or even users will have to pay extra for access to specific services. This benefits ISPs greatly but is a hard blow to the pocket book for the consumer.

The Verge, Engadget

The icons for Android have changed before but the plans Google seems to have now are to begin to unify the icons across the Google platform. The web icons differ from the Android version and have since the OS came in to existence but Google is trying to fix that. The icons will help with recognizing the apps across the ecosystem Google has built but it also brings in some consistency. This is something that Google has been trying to do once Larry Page became the CEO of Google and the process has been slow but still steady.

I want to start by saying I'm a huge Sid Meier's fan and I have played all the Civilization games from 1 to 5. I have been enjoying Civilization V since its release and I wasn't expecting another one so soon, even though it has been 4 years since the release of Civ V. Out of all the turn-based games I have played none have held my attention long, but Civilization games are always a rich gaming experience and are addicting every time. Well, enough of this talk about how much I love Sid Meier's and his games, lets get down to the awesome news! Sid Meier's and his studio Fraxis games has announced their latest title Civilization: Beyond Earth! Instead of going with their typical setting of starting from the beginning of time to the future, we now already start in the future where the Earth is dying and humans set out to have a fresh start in the stars. I love the idea you still get to build up your Civilization but it will be interesting to see what new ages mankind will go through. What new buildings? What kind of new planets? What kind of new units? So many questions, but we will have to wait patiently to have them answered.  


I can definitely say I am greatly awaiting this release already. I can't wait to see what new innovations have been made, and how this new setting and idea will work and unfold. This idea is very creative and a needed change for the series, but don't get me wrong, I love the classic starting from a stone age to a nano age but its always great to play something new and different. 

There is one thing that's really intriguing to me here, and that's there going to be playable Alien races? We do know there will be native Alien races, but how interesting would it be to play a Alien race? Another cool thing would be if it's possible to not just settle one planet but to be able to conquer other planet or galaxy, and start a galactic Civilization! The other major change is in how you start, and how Beyond Earth intends to be highly re-playable. Instead of just picking a nation to play and starting with a settler and a scout, you're starting conditions and bonuses will depend on which of the eight Earth organizations sponsored your expedition, what types of colonists you brought with you, the ship that transports you there, and the cargo you packed.

There seems to be growing trend in the computer and technology world around wallpapers and that trend is low poly wallpapers. So we decided to have a low poly theme for Wallpaper Sunday to fit with the current trend. Here are the five wallpapers we felt were the best. Enjoy.

Smite, the third person MOBA (Massive Online Battle Arena) is officially out of beta and has been released. I have played the Beta and it was decent, but it didn't hold my interest for too long. I was on and off about the game and I would only play it occasionally. Now that it has been fully released I decided to give it another shot, and I have to say I was quite impressed with the game. There were a lot of new Gods to play and there have been some much needed balance changes. The game also has a large variety of items to choose from, along with balance and new gods I found the games graphics to be very polished and the coloring was perfect, not to contrasted or to dark, just perfect. One thing that Smite definitely has going for it, is that this games community is much better then most MOBA's. Most of the games I played, when another player was doing bad my team was nice and would try to help him, or they wouldn't say anything at all. Rarely did anyone spew toxic nonsense into the chat, i found this a nice change of paces and a much more relaxing

                                     Can Smite Compete With Other MOBA's?
Well, that's hard to say, the game had success in beta reaching around 3 million players. The honest truth is that though this game is really good i think people will just play this now and then to take a break from the MOBA games that they main and love. I don't think Smite can contend with League of Legends because of its large player base but it might be able to take on with Dota 2. If Smite can make it to 3 million players in beta then they can possibly go head to head with Dota 2's 5 million in a couple years.

Want to play Smite? Here's a link friends! - http://www2.hirezstudios.com/smite
Welcome to the final week of our fan-boy Wallpaper Sundays. This week we have Linux and Open Source wallpapers. I personally us Ubuntu and Linux everyday so this is one I can relate to. Next week will be a surprise so please come back to see what we will have for you. Enjoy these five Linux themed wallpapers.

The living room is hosting a battle and it is for your time and money. Amazon just announces Fire TV and we are already are seeing news and rumors of Google's Android TV. The Verge has an exclusive that shows what looks to be what Google is working on with the Android TV. Google is trying to get in to the living room as we have seen with the success of the Chromecast but they do not have a set-box option that is comparable.

This is an interesting development since we have Google I/O in the near future. The future of the living room is looking really exciting. The WWDC is coming up shortly and with the competition from Amazon, Google, and Microsoft we could possibly see them announce something for the living room as well. The three main players for your living room are staring to make the choice of ecosystems more and more interesting and compelling.

The Verge

There has generally been three major players in the gaming realm, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. The game, no pun intended, may be changing now. Amazon has announced their set-top box, called Fire TV. They talked a lot about the specs of the device and the services available for it, but one thing stood out. They claimed that gaming consoles were too expensive and that they would be offering gaming right on the Fire TV. This is a bold move on Amazon's part because without the gaming option, their set-top box is no different from any other set-top.

Amazon is trying to enter a field, the gaming industry, that is cut-throat and ruthless. The main companies in gaming have been at gaming for a long time. Amazon thinks it will be able to compete on price but price, in the gaming industry, doesn't always mean  success. We have seen other companies hope that a low cost gaming device would allow them to get a foot hold in the industry, i.e. OUYA, and they have to adjust their strategy and they are struggling to stay relevant as a company. Sony and Microsoft are the top two dogs in the gaming business and they got there by building brands and an incredible network with the help of innovative features. People will pay more if they feel it is worth it and we have seen time and time again that gamers are more likely to pay for a console they feel is best even if it seems to have a steep price tag.

We will have to watch and see how the Fire TV does with it first release. It will be competing, not only with set-top boxes, but also with gaming consoles for your time and money. We will all be keeping a close eye to see if Amazon can be the next big name in gaming. Will the Fire TV burn bright or be put out by the foot of Sony and Microsoft?

The fighting has heated up now that there is a new competitor in the ring. We started with a solo champion known as Siri, from Apple. Shortly, after Siri, Google announced and launched Google Now. The two personal assistant apps competed head to head and tried to innovate and add new features upon each new release. Now, there is a new challenger that will be competing directly with Google Now and Apple's Siri and it's name is Cortana. The battle for the personal assistant on your phone gets more interesting with the announcement of Microsoft's Cortana.
Cortana is similar to Siri and Google Now in a lot of ways but it also tries to differentiate itself, with new features and a clean user interface. You are able to use Cortana just as you would with Google and Apple's options, you can speak or type what you want to do. Cortana offers conversational searching just as in Google Now. You are also able to have Cortana give you reminders about what to speak with someone about, so when you call them you get the reminder. With the new service of Cortana we should see the innovation start to fire back up again with a solid competitor like Microsoft.

The most exciting part of Cortana is not Cortana itself but what it's affect will be on the industry. When Apple released Siri, it was all the rage and everyone wanted to use it. Then Google Now showed up and changed how we thought about, how and what information would be given to us, even before we knew we needed it. Now with Cortana I am excited to see if companies react to this and start to drive new features and experiences related to the personal assistant apps that are in just about everyone's phone.