Ihave had my AirPods for about a month now and during this time I have had a chance to evaluate their features. Firstly, lets recap the AirPod saga. The AirPods were announced in September of 2016 with an October ship date. However, they were not released on time and were delayed until December of 2016 with a 6 week ship date. I have since received them and I have been using them every day for a month.

I couldn't have been more excited when I received my AirPods in the mail! New technology is awesome and makes for great experiences when it is done right. The AirPods are a great example of that. To connect them to my iPhone I simply opened the case next to my phone and they were magically paired. This simple and unique pairing is done with the help of the W1 chip that Apple has made specifically for their wireless headphones. I have also found during my use that it is easiest to control the AirPods with my Apple Watch. I am able to adjust the audio and change songs via the watch. This is when an ecosystem of products can really shine and you can see what Apple was trying accomplish with the AirPods and the simplicity of all its features.

It is hard to imagine a day where I don't use my AirPods. I start my day with the AirPods in my ears while walking to the bus stop. I don't need to worry about them moving or falling out of my ear while I walk because they fit very well in my ears. They don't shake or even seem loose. I ride the bus into the city for work and I prefer to have headphones during that ride. I keep my AirPods in and on during the entire bus ride and for the first bit of my work day. They sound quality is good for their size and they are very convenient. They also work with all of my Apple devices so there isn't any issue with moving from device to device. When I'm at work and I want to switch to listening to something on my iPad, I just select the AirPods on the iPad. Then once I'm home and I want to use the AirPods with my Mac, I just select them from the drop down menu. Overall the AirPods have been a very seamless product and have created an enjoyable experience for me as a user.
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