This is a touchy subject for many people for several reasons, but we still dare to try to compare the two options. When you think about comparing Microsoft Office with Google Docs, it seems that Office is the clear cut winner due to its strong past and current status with users but Google is slowly working on Docs and making a strong competitor to the beloved Office.

The two companies as of late have really been competing heavily against one another. You have seen this in Microsoft's Scrgooled ads and Google not allowing a YouTube app on Windows phone. The competition goes all the way to even both of the companies productivity suits. When you you look at the current state of the computer industry you can begin to see why Microsoft is nervous about Google Apps. Google has taken an approach very similar to what Microsoft did back in it's hay day but they have just a small enough twist that it is allowing them to gain on Microsoft and Office. More and more people are doing everything online, whether it is shopping, banking, working, or so. This is what is allowing for Google Apps to make an impact on Microsoft's market share in the productivity space. Google sells Chromebooks and Android phones but they don't make a lot of money from that, where they make their money is their services. This is why you see inexpensive Chromebooks. You also see that Google will give schools(K-12) access and use of Google Apps for free. The service has come to the point where it can challenge Microsoft and force innovation from both companies. Microsoft themselves are aware that things need to and are changing. They have started to move the premier product, Microsoft Office, to the web in an effort to combat the progress of Google. Though Office is on the web there are few people that know and use the service but that shows how Microsoft is trying to make a play for the people who use the Internet to do everything.

Microsoft has been sticking to their old sales platform and as of now it can still hold up because they still have a strong hold of the enterprise user. This is slowly starting to change as well though, the city of Boston moved to Google Apps just recently. You will begin to see more and more companies switching to Google because the business model of Google is very enticing for businesses since the price is reasonable and Google offers back up solutions and much more. Microsoft really needs to try something new and possibly change their entire business model. Google is continuing to push Microsoft to change and change and causes competition and competition is good. 
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